We want to remind parents that some lessons take one day … others might take a few days … still others could be taught together if the child already has those ideas cemented. Too many parents don’t feel the freedom to spend extra time when needed or speed up to prevent boredom.
We had a parent who told us her child was bored to tears but she told him they had to do every single lesson and every single worksheet. We let her know that when younger children are listening and learning concepts as their older siblings are learning them, you may be able to move through the lesson very quickly, at times even do more than one lesson if they are confident and show they do understand. When we come to lessons a younger child has already been exposed to, we assess the needs of THAT child to determine if we just need a quick review or can maybe skip right to the game or worksheet. If you have questions, we can help guide you.
Parents, we want to be remind you to call us and ask for that guidance. It’s important to know we are a resource for you and also remember that the math lesson shouldn’t be something that is rushed through and checked off every day. Children need to understand what they are doing and parents need to recognize that we can slow the pace – or speed it – as needed and that RSM is here to help guide them.
Great post! When it comes to teaching children, it will take some time and patience. With persistence, the hard work is sure to pay off. Thanks for sharing!