Visualizing is the ability to see something mentally, or in your mind’s eye. Being able to see quantities, strategies, and procedures mentally is very powerful.
Quantities can be visualized when they are grouped in 5s and 10s. Strategies can used based on this grouping. For example, look at 7 + 6.
First, see how the quantity of 7 and the quantity of 6 can be clearly seen. These amounts can be visualized because of the grouping in 5s.
Next, look at the two quantities added together. See the ten dark beads? And the three white beads? Total of 7 + 6 is 10 and 3 more, or 13. With some repeated use, this strategy procedure can be visualized.
Here is another procedure that can be visualized: 5 + 9. This time, rather than grouping by 5s and 10s (which also works), let’s make 10 by exchanging one bead from the second row with one bead on the first row.
Once the beads are moved, the answer of 10 and 4 more, or 14, can be seen.
With a small amount of practice, this strategy can be easily visualized.