Rachel was awesome at the convention explaining how the curriculum works and even took time to talk to my son and helped us figure out what level he was at. He had been doing another curriculum all year and was not understanding it all. We were so frustrated when we were at the convention as we had worked all year on counting and understanding numbers and he could not count to 20. Now that we have started RSM my children (Ages 2, 4, and my 6 year old) all sit down and want to play math every day. My 2 year old walks around singing Yellow is the Sun and showing us her fingers. My fear now is not about my children learning math but rather that they will all be at the same level or very close through out their school years, ha ha! My son who hated to do math every day now begs to do it first. Thank you for this program. His grandparents who were on the fence about homeschooling could not believe how smart he is at math so that was super encouraging as he has struggled with it all year. Thanks again for this great program. I only wish we had started out with it at the first of the year.