Hello, I strongly feel the need to tell you how much I love this curriculum. We are almost through Level A. I wasn’t sure about it in the beginning. With the spiral style curriculum it felt like each lesson jumped quickly from one subject to another. I hate to say it, but it almost made each individual activity feel pointless. But we hung in there and are now seeing the results. My son is grasping the concepts covered so well, and he is so proud of what he’s learned. I think this is a direct result of how RightStart is designed to allow students to essentially discover the patterns and rules of math, rather than being told.
My son can take ownership in what he learns, because RightStart has provided the activities that allow him to discover math in a structured organized way. Every single day outside of our official math lesson time he’s bringing up math in one way or another. He quizzes his younger brother with addition problems or counting questions. He practices counting just for fun. He proudly, and completely randomly will tell me the answer to an addition problem he’s been pondering for a bit. I just can’t thank you enough for the care and thought that had been put into each lesson. I have always enjoyed math, but didn’t learn it this way. It is so fun to see my son learning math a better way, and being able to manipulate numbers differently than I ever did. I feel like I’m getting to re-learn math a bit too. Sorry to ramble, but I’m about to purchase Level B and I’m just so excited, and wanted to say thank you.