I do want to tell you how much I have loved this curriculum for my son. He has intellectual disabilities (including some left-brain impairments) and apraxia of speech. When he was in public preschool, his teachers were so focused on getting him to count to 10 and after 2 years, he just still wasn’t getting it. When we decided to start homeschooling in Kindergarten, I realized quickly that due to his speech difficulties and the way his brain worked, a focus on counting just wasn’t working. I was thrilled to find RightStart (recommended to me in a group for homeschool parents of kids with apraxia). We have to move very slowly and are still working through Level A (and often repeat a single lesson for a week, especially at first). But he is now able to use to the abacus and other manipulatives to express numbers to 100! He still can’t verbally count to 10 correctly every time, but what a joy to find a curriculum where his visual strengths can help him and his verbal weaknesses and processing don’t hold him back. Thank you!!