“I have used RightStart Math Level A, B, C, & my oldest is in D now. I have one child in A, C & D right now. My oldest child hated math before we came to use Rightstart. It was an adjustment because it is taught a different way than I was taught, but it makes sense and the kids enjoy all of the games. I have seen the difference it has made in their thinking skills and that spills over into other areas too. There was a point about halfway through the Level B curriculum that my oldest really struggled and we had stop and spend some time with working with the mental math problems, but once we got over that hump it has been smooth sailing that I couldn’t have imagined. My second child struggled a little at the same place in Level B, but we moved through it much quicker. They enjoy the lessons and I feel like they are getting a very strong foundation to prepare them for upper level math. The only negative for this curriculum is that it is very teacher intensive. It is not for someone who is looking for a more independent study type curriculum. I would also not recommend it to a large family because you just need to have a good hour or more to spend one on one with each child. Lessons are easy to follow and do not require any extra prep time for the teacher outside of grading a worksheet here and there. RightStart has been a good fit for our family and we will continue to us it. It’s been worth it to hear my oldest go from saying “I hate math” to “I love math”. And yes, I have told others about the curriculum.”