We have three boys and a girl. My three boys tend to be very competitive, to say the least. We have regular arm wrestling matches, foot races, and dare I even admit, distance spitting. So, if you were to ask them which math card game they enjoy most, ... Read More
Rachel on Strong Learners
We have recently been hit with lots of snow. I suppose, being winter time, I should expect it. But as I sit and watch the snow fall down (quite quickly, may I add) I am amazed when I consider that no two snowflakes are the same. Here I am – watching ... Read More
Why RightStart?
We recently got this question from Deborah via email: We currently use another math program, but I am considering switching. Do you have any reasoning to share for switching to RightStart Math? Any information to help in my decision? ... Read More
Rachel on Second Edition (RS2)
It's that time of year where we're starting to look at the upcoming school years curricula. Gwen recently asked a question about RightStart Math's Second Edition and I thought I'd share my answer with you all. Between the first edition (RS1) and ... Read More
2017 Summer Game #10: Evens and Odds
When my daughter Makenna was in kindergarten, I noticed that she had a disconnect with numbers. Being a math person, I was quite surprised that she struggled with matching the quantities with the name of the number. In addition, she really REALLY ... Read More
2017 Summer Game #7: Multiples Memory
When we are in a dine-in restaurant, my children tend to get a little antsy waiting for their food. I try to come up with activities they can do (other than playing on their electronic devices) during the wait. This week, I had them play a card game! ... Read More