In August 2022, Dr. Joan A. Cotter and Kathleen Cotter Clayton spoke at the 16th International Conference of the Mathematics Education for the Future Project at King’s College, Cambridge University, UK.
Dr. Cotter presented Teaching Primary Mathematics without Counting and Place Value with Transparent Number Naming and Kathleen presented Fractions of the Future.
If you’d like to have an overview of Dr. Cotter’s presentation, go here. If you’d like to get information on Kathleen’s presentation, go here. If you’d like to see the proceeding from the conference and see all the abstracts, go here. (Do a search for “Cotter” and “Clayton” and you will see the abstract of our papers, found on pages 117 and 111.)
Here is a picture of the courtyard of the building where the week-long conference was held and where we stayed.
King’s College was founded in 1209. The honor of being in such a noble institution was overwhelming! And the people we met were from Poland, Turkey, Ireland, Greece, South Africa, Croatia, and many more. It was an amazing trip with many ideas shared.
So exciting that you get to share RightStart Math with the world!