Long division used to be considered the ultimate goal of arithmetic. An earlier division algorithm was so complicated it wasn’t taught until college. Today some students learn a mnemonic in order to remember what to do when in the long division … [Read more...] about Dr. Cotter on Division
2023 Summer Game #6: Quotient and Remainder
Question: How do you divide 14 potatoes between 4 people? Answer: Mash them. Hahahaha! Most children do not enjoy solving division problems – especially problems with remainders! However, the Quotient and Remainder game found in the Math Card … [Read more...] about 2023 Summer Game #6: Quotient and Remainder
2021 Summer Game #17: Remainders Game
This summer, I was the decorations coordinator for our local VBS program. I found it a demanding position because I am in charge of ALL the decorations throughout the whole building. Our theme this year was Galactic Starveyors and, as you may … [Read more...] about 2021 Summer Game #17: Remainders Game
Winter Games: Remainder Hearts
Ah, the challenge of division, never mind the distraction of remainders! How can you find a fun way to practice these concepts? Well, we have just the game for you. This game, Remainder Hearts, game D9 in the Math Card Games book, uses the … [Read more...] about Winter Games: Remainder Hearts