Presentation Information
We hope you enjoyed this presentation!
To support your learning about RightStart, here is a pdf of the presentation you attended and some additional reading. Also, here are instructions for the Ring around the Product multiplication game we talked about.
Finally, here is a linear fraction chart for you to print and use. If you would like a sturdier version of the fraction chart, we have a plastic chart as well as a wooden version and magnetic version of the chart. We even have a fraction poster!
If you are looking for the full curriculum, we have the books and materials here. If you are looking for tutoring topics, we have them too.
If you are wanting a few addition games to play, we have a deck of basic number cards and instructions for a few games.
We also have multiplication and fractions game too!
If you want all the games, we have the Math Card Games kit right here for you!
If you have questions or would like to discuss this innovative approach to math, please call us at 888.272.3291 or email us at [email protected].