Like last week’s game, Doubles Corners™, is also from RightStart™ Mathematics Second Edition curriculum. This one is taken from RS2 Level B, Lesson 118. Doubles Corners™ game is a variation of the always popular Corners™ game found in the Math Card Games book, game A9. This is Dr. Cotter’s new favorite game!
The Corners™ card deck is a set of fifty cards and each card has four colored numbers between 1 and 10 along the sides. There are no two cards alike, so this is nearly impossible to make on your own. So if you don’t have this card deck, you’re going to have to skip this game or order and get them in the mail to you!
The regular rules of Corners™ apply. If you’re not familiar with the game, go check it out. Lots of fun!
The modification with this week’s game is that players can lay down two cards per turn. After a turn, a player takes cards only up to four total in hand. If no one can play any cards, everyone takes an extra card. This can happen more than once.
For scoring, a player first adds together the scores from the two cards and then adds that mentally to his previous score.
Have fun with this last of the doubles games for the season. Next week we’re going to look at magic squares….