My oldest child, Robbie, wants to be a game inventor when he grows up. He’s invented quite a few games, but the majority of them aren’t really math games. They’re heavy on health and damage stats, power-ups, and battles between different cards.... … [Read more...] about 2023 Summer Game #8: Robbie’s Bead Trading
math facts
2023 Summer Game #7: Fraction Old Main
Do you remember playing “Old Maid” when you were a kid? I loved hanging out at my friend Doreen’s house during the summer. We swam all day, picked kumquats from her tree, and played cards by the pool. Many hands of “Old Maid” and “Rummy” filled our … [Read more...] about 2023 Summer Game #7: Fraction Old Main
2023 Summer Game #6: Quotient and Remainder
Question: How do you divide 14 potatoes between 4 people? Answer: Mash them. Hahahaha! Most children do not enjoy solving division problems – especially problems with remainders! However, the Quotient and Remainder game found in the Math Card … [Read more...] about 2023 Summer Game #6: Quotient and Remainder
2023 Summer Game #5: On the Number Ten
It is one of those blazing hot, 90º summer days. No one wants to be outside but without air conditioning, inside isn’t much better. My boys’ solution to this dilemma is the nice, cool basement where the computer happens to reside. In my desire to get … [Read more...] about 2023 Summer Game #5: On the Number Ten
2023 Summer Game #4: Multiplication Card Speed
Speed! It is fast and furious. And it's loads of fun! Multiplication Card Speed, game P31 in the Math Card Games book, is well worth your time to learn this summer. As with most speed games, equally matched players (or a less competitive adult) … [Read more...] about 2023 Summer Game #4: Multiplication Card Speed
2023 Summer Game #2: Treasure Hunt
This is a game that will get your kids moving! Have you ever tried Treasure Hunt, game P6 in the Math Card Games book? Yes, there’s a game called Treasure Hunt, and it’s a ton of fun! Treasure Hunt is ostensibly a game for practicing the … [Read more...] about 2023 Summer Game #2: Treasure Hunt