What’s so special about the manipulatives used for the RightStart™ Mathematics program? Let’s run through the list.
Cotter AL Abacus: This abacus has 100 beads and is grouped in 5s and 10s using color. It is different from the Chinese abacus, the Japanese abacus, and “play” abacuses (where each string of beads is a different color). Both sides of the abacus are used in different ways.
Six Special Decks of Cards: Basic cards (0 to 10), multiplication cards, fraction cards, money cards, clock cards, and Corners™ cards make up the six decks. Notice that the cards are just the numbers without any distractions.
Fraction Charts: One plastic fraction chart stays intact and a second chart is pre-cut to allow the child to manipulate the individual pieces. Very importantly, this chart includes the 1/7ths and 1/9ths. It is also one color so that the student doesn’t associate a specific fraction with a specific color and encourages the “mixing and matching” of fractions without the constraints of color.
Abacus Tiles: These tiles are a representation of 100 beads entered on the Cotter Abacus, allowing for a child to see numbers beyond one hundred.
Geometry Panels: We make these ourselves. Kids love these!
Place Value Cards: Adaptation from Montessori’s decimal cards.
Goniometer (Angle Measurer): This tools measures angles and is exclusive to RightStart Math.
Drawing Set: These pieces can all be found individually elsewhere and we assemble this kit in our warehouse. Triangles and the T-square are transparent for ease of use. Just like a professional T-square, the child’s T-square does not have a distracting ruler imprinted on it.
Base-Ten Cards: These drawings represent ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands with the groupings of five visible to allow for quick recognition of quantities. Images align with the Cotter Abacus bead grouping. Other base ten cards, stamps, and/or blocks ignore the grouping in fives.
Side note: All these exclusive and special items are all made in the USA, most in North Dakota, with the exception of a few items in the Drawing Set.
Math Balance: Pegs for the balance are on both sides of the balance arm which allows for twice as many weights to be hung on a number, making addition and multiplication a breeze.
Centimeter Cubes: Our centimeter cubes weigh one gram. This is an important aspect for RS2!
Geometry Solids: This set consists of 12 beautiful wooden shapes and each solid is used in the curriculum.
4-in-1 Ruler: This ruler measures in centimeters, millimeters, and inches in sixteenths. What makes this ruler special is inches divided into tenths! When a calculation calls for 4.3 inches, the student can precisely measure and draw 4.3 inches, rather than approximating.
Colored 1” Square Tiles: We had a hard time finding tiles that were consistently one inch square. Sadly, there was a LOT of variance. We have these tiles made in the USA now and have the precision needed. Quantities are about 50 in four different colors.
Geoboards: These come two to a set. Pegs need to be 7 x 7. Many geoboards are 5 x 5 which will not allow for enough space for the children to do their lesson work.
Casio Calculator SL-450s: This child-friendly calculator has a quirk that allows for skip counting, so the SL-450s is needed.
Mini-Clock: This clock is geared, which means the hour hand will appropriately follow the minute hand as it is moved.
Tangrams: Tangrams can be found in all sizes and colors. Many other tangrams have rounded corners making measuring a challenge. RightStart™ provides two sets with two different colors and have sharp and precise edges. Lessons in RS2 reference the two colors.
Tally Sticks: These are craft sticks. If you have some around the house, that will work! You will need 55 sticks.
Plastic Coins: As long as you have 30 pennies, 20 nickels, 20 dimes, 20 quarters, and 4 half-dollars, you’re ready to go. Canadian coins are also available.
Folding Meter Stick: Any meter stick will work. Our meter stick folds simply for convenience.
Geometry Reflector: This handy reflector creates reflections. It is made of transparent material, so it can also been seen through for additional comparisons. A rectangular hand-held mirror will also the trick.
We’re all for saving money. I’m right in there with you all! If I can shave off a penny here and a dollar there, I’m a happy girl. So, let’s say you can find some of these manipulatives at a second hand store, discount store, or borrow from your friend. That’s fantastic. But then you still need the rest of the items.
The RightStart™ Math Set has a significant discount savings. So, unless you have an amazing treasure of manipulatives at your fingertips, it’s usually cheaper to buy the kits because of the healthy discounts incorporated into the kit pricing.
If you’re wanting to see it all the manipulatives, check out this video where Eileen opens the RS2 Math Set and helps identify all the items.
Don’t forget to check out the Super Saver Math Set too!
I am planning to homeschool my Kindergartener and then send him back to public school for 1st grade. So I ONLY Need manipulatives for Level A and B. Can you help me know if I need the big kit Math Set or the Super Saver kit? 🙂
Thank you!
Hi, Hilary. My name is Rachel and I am happy to help you today.
Thank you for your post.
For Levels A and B, you will use almost all of the manipulatives in the RS2 Math Set. The only manipulatives you will NOT need are:
Drawing Board Set
Folding Meter Stick
It is actually less expensive for you to get the RS2 Math Set than to order all the items separately. You could choose to order the Super Saver Set, but that comes with the Drawing Board Set.
Here are a couple of purchasing options:
Level A Book Bundle
Level B Book Bundle
RS2 Math Set
Level A Book Bundle
Level B Book Bundle
Super Saver Math Set (you can also use the Downloadable File with this)
Geometric Solids
Plastic Coins (or you can use your own)
Geometry Panels
Geometry Reflector (or you can use a small mirror)
Casio Calculator 450 (or you can use your own calculator)
Geared Clock
Tally Sticks
I hope that helps. Of course, if you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to email me back. I am happy to help.
Have a fabulous school year!
Hi I have a 12 year old son who is starting 6th grade. He grasps concepts very well but does not know his facts well at all. We have tried lots of things but I am thinking I need a different approach. My question is what will he use as far as manipulative moving forward from level d. I do not want to spend a lot of money on manipulative that he will not be using.
Hi, Heather. My name is Rachel and I am happy to help you.
Thank you for your post.
For Level D, your child will use all of the items except: Base-10 picture cards (will use in Level F, though), Geoboards (will use in Levels E and F), Tally Sticks (Will use in Level F, though) and the compass, which is part of the drawing set – which your child will need for Level D.
Level E – your child will use everything EXCEPT: Base-10 picture cards, Abacus tiles, Tally sticks, Yellow is the Sun CD
Level F – your child will use everything EXCEPT: Geometry reflector, Geared clock, Yellow is the Sun CD.
I hope that helps. Let me know if you need anything else.
Have a great day!
Hi! I am unhappy with the math curriculum I purchased already that came with a large manipulative kit. I’d like to switch to RightStart but can’t afford to buy everything all over again. Can you tell me what manipulative are needed for Level C and I’ll know if I already have them and what I need to purchase.
Hi, Nicole. My name is Rachel and I am happy to help you. 😉
Level C actually uses everything in the RS2 Math Set except the compass which is part of the Drawing Set (which your child will use). So, to get started in Level C, you will need:
Level C Book Bundle – https://store.rightstartmath.com/rightstart-mathematics-level-c-second-edition-book-bundle/
RS2 Math Set – https://store.rightstartmath.com/rs2-math-set/
You can look through the Math Set items and see if you have any of them already. You can order items separately.
Let me know if you need anything else.
Have a great day!
I have a 2nd grader re-entering Grade 3 next year. What would I need to purchase now to make sure he is at or above 2nd grade standards for this school year at home?
Hi, Lin.
I just sent you an email replying to your question.
I already have 5×5 geoboards. Is that sufficient for the activities in level A? What level definitely needs the larger geoboard?
Does the space between the pegs on the geoboard matter?
Hi, Deborah. Thank you for your post.
For Level A, the student will be learning about shapes, patterns, symmetry and also learn about dividing a shape in half. While the shape lessons can probably be done on a smaller geoboard, the other activities need to have a larger geoboard. I definitely recommend getting RightStart Math’s geoboards for these activities.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to call us at (888)272-3291, email us at [email protected] or post your question here.
Have a fabulous day!
My child will be doing level E. What manipulatives will he need? Will he use the majority of the set? I have quite a few of the items used in the set already so I don’t think I’ll need to purchase the whole set. Thank you.
Hi, Angela. My name is Rachel and I am happy to help you today.
Level E will use almost all of the manipulatives in the RS2 Math Set. The only manipulatives NOT used in Level E are:
Base-10 Picture Cards
Abacus Tiles
Tally Sticks
All the other manipulatives are needed. Now you may want to consider getting the SuperSaver Set which will provide you with all the RightStart Math exclusive items. The other items you may already have or you can purchase through us or through another vendor.
I hope that helps. Of course, if you have any additional questions, please feel free to email us at [email protected] or you can post your questions here.
Have a great day!
I didn’t see the math card game book in the list of individual items in the kit. Are there other items not listed on this page besides the math game cards book not listed? Thank you.
Hi I was hoping someone could tell me exactly which of the manipulatives are actually used in just level a? I will be homeschooling my son for kindergarten but most likely not 1st grade so I’d like to know which ones are actually needed for him for just kindergarten which is level a?
Hi, Kristen. My name is Rachel and I am happy to help you today.
Level A will use most of the manipulatives in the RS2 Math Set. Here is exactly what will be used:
AL Abacus
Math Card Games Manual, 5th Edition
6 Decks of Cards
Place Value Cards
Abacus Tiles
Fraction Charts
Dry Erase Board
Geometric Solids
Plastic Coins
Colored Tiles
Geometry Reflector
Casio Calculator 450
Geared Clock
Math Balance
Centimeter Cubes
Tally Sticks
I hope that helps. If you need anything else, just let me know.
Hello! Are the Geometry Panels used in Level A?
Hi, Stephanie.
Level A does not use the Geometry Panels. If you have any additional questions, just post them here or you can email us at [email protected].
Have a great day!
Rachel Anderson