It is almost summertime. And for many of you, it’s either the end of school or very close to the end. Whoo-hoo! Happy dance!
After twenty-three years of homeschooling, I still get excited for summer. About seven years ago, we started schooling math year round, but summer still means a break from the norm.
Deciding to do math year round was one of the better decisions I made in regards to schooling my children. Without all the other subjects, spending 30 to 60 minutes on math three to four days a week in the summer made for a more enjoyable year.
Maybe you are one of those who also teach math year round. Maybe you are not. If you are one that doesn’t, you should be playing some RightStart™ math card games throughout the summer.
Games are a great way to keep those math facts fresh as well as help the child get more fluent with responses. I also appreciate the games because they really helped me to see if my children were truly understanding the concepts. Games are an application to what they are learning rather than just filling out a worksheet.
After Memorial Day, Rachel and I will be blogging through the summer about different RightStart™ math card games. Some of the games will be easy. Some of the games will be difficult. We want to reach all different learning levels during the summer months.
We will be including some of our own personal experiences. We will provide ways to adapt the games with multiple children playing at different abilities. We will also give adaptations for children with learning differences.
Regarding children with learning challenges and playing math card games through the summer, Rachel says, “It is vital to the struggling learner to play the games and practice their facts as they easily forget what they have learned. It takes so long to mentally recover the lost material.”
So join us this summer and have fun keeping those math facts fresh by playing some RightStart™ math games!