“I really like this, but it’s parent-intensive. I don’t think I’d be able to do it with my kids.” When I took calls for RightStart, I addressed this concern almost weekly. A parent loves the program, but has heard its parent-intensive. How could … [Read more...] about Ellen on the Parent Intensive Myth
learning disabilities
Ellen on The Goal
When we decided to homeschool, the search for curriculum began. With a Masters in Christian Education, I was mindful of the philosophy and objectives behind the curriculums. When it came to math, I did some research and presented the options to my … [Read more...] about Ellen on The Goal
Why RightStart?
We recently got this question from Deborah via email: We currently use another math program, but I am considering switching. Do you have any reasoning to share for switching to RightStart Math? Any information to help in my decision? … [Read more...] about Why RightStart?
Struggling Learner: Back to School
If you took some time off for the summer with your student, you are no doubt making plans to get ready to go back to school here soon. As a parent of a struggling learner, there are some extra things to consider as you prepare curriculum and your … [Read more...] about Struggling Learner: Back to School
Debbie on Time Well Spent
Teacher intensive. This is a term I hear applied towards RightStart Math. A term that can be used in a positive sense and a negative sense. When asked to list pros and cons, this term, teacher intensive, tends to be what you would find in the cons. … [Read more...] about Debbie on Time Well Spent
Dr. Cotter on Long Division
As far as long division is concerned, it no longer has the importance it had in past generations. No one today spends time on their job doing long division. Long division with that guessing component is not used higher mathematics. It is rarely on … [Read more...] about Dr. Cotter on Long Division